
This trip started 4 months before taking off! The plan was to find the best place (not to expensive, exotic and with a lot of places to dicover) to spend our christmas holidays with my girlfriend and another friend. After many hours spent on Facetime we finally decided to plan a roadtrip to Mexico as the country was very beautiful, rather cheap and seemed to have amazing places to discover.

We carefully planned our road trip to see different places and to spend enough time in each cities to enjoy the place and to catch its spirit during our two weeks stay.

Playa del carmen: The place where nights never ends

Tullum: Enjoy the Mexican way of life

Tullum, Mexico Tullum, Mexico
Best mojitos are made with sugar cane juice and drunk with crazy people

Bacalar: Relaxing by the sea

Bacalar, Mexico Bacalar, Mexico
Fifty shades of blue

Uxmal: At the heart of the world wonders

Uxmal, Mexico Uxmal, Mexico Uxmal, Mexico
Clap your hands to call the gods

Merida: Discover the Mexican way of life

Merida, Mexico Merida, Mexico Merida, Mexico
More colors than people

Cancùn: The place we need to go back to