Exploring French National Traffic injuries data

The demand for road transportation and the rate of motorization have continued to increase in all cities around the world. However, this increase demand and the preference for private transport are at the root of many problems, among which road accidents. In fact, the number of accidents has continued to increase, with disastrous consequences.

The goal of this project was to analyze the causes and effects of this phenomenon. We would like to investigate the correlation between the gravity level of a road accident and the components of the traffic system composed of the road, the driver and the vehicule. These components can be described by variables illustrating the drivers behavior, the attributes of the vehicle operated, the quality of the road and the climatic conditions.

The dataset used for this project is extracted from an official French open source database platform. The dataset is provided by the French road safety observatory (ONISR) and is composed of more than 474,000 accidents from 2005 to 2018. It can be found here

Find out more about that project on my Github:epfl-ada-project.

We also did a website to present the results here.